Why Your Business Needs Cyber Liability Insurance

The threat of cyber-crime is real, now more so than ever.

It’s so important that you take steps to protect your business and your valued clients from the ever-evolving threats from the world of digital. So, in this blog, we’ll be sharing why your business needs Cyber Liability Insurance.

What exactly is Cyber Liability Insurance?

Cyber Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses from internet-based risks. These include risks relating to information technology infrastructure and activities.

Why does a business need Cyber Liability Insurance?

Your business is likely to already have antivirus and firewall systems in place as standard, but Cyber Liability policies can offer support such as data recovery and business interruption cover, which can help you recover from the unfortunate event of a cyber-attack.

What does Cyber Liability Insurance cover?

Having a Cyber Liability Insurance policy in place can cover you for a range of different security breaches, including:

You will be able to insure against many associated costs, such as:

So, is your business as protected as it can be? If you would like to find out more, our expert team here at Omni Davis can advise you on Cyber Liability Insurance policies. Call us on 01403 785775  or send an email to info@omnidavis.co.uk to find out more.


Contact our expert advisors today.

We would be delighted to discuss your insurance needs.
